måndag 6 september 2010

The one about my 25 random things

För ett tag sen på facebook kunde man skriva 25 olika saker om sig själv, för att sen tagga 25 vänner som skulle göra detsamma. Jag blev lite återinspirerad, och eftersom jag inte gjort det än, så kommer här mina 25. På engelska, för jag är så himla internationell.

1. 1. I first read Charlie van Houwelingen’s version of this, to get some inspiration. I think he is the only one of my friends who’s actually done this.

2. I love the concept of the EU, although I don’t like many things within its politics. I like to think myself as a European instead of a Swede

3. In the future, I’d love to have a very well-paid job, not that I think money is everything, but it surely makes life in the western world much easier

4. I like the word “style”, instead of fashion, and what different clothing does to a person’s image and identity

5. I love music, but hate putting playlists together. I haven’t found out why yet.

6. I’m impressed with all the different bike-constructions they have in Holland, the word ‘bike’ has gotten a whole new meaning to me since I came here

7. I got an exceptional for my written English in my CAE-certificate

8. I like to wear high heels, and think I manage to walk quite well in them

9. Internet and tampons are probably the two best inventions ever

10. If the only political issue in Sweden would be school, Folkpartiet would get my vote

11. I think, and hope, that I will live in Belgium for at least one year during my life

12. I think many radical feminists talk bullshit, that’s why I don’t call myself a feminist , even though I am one

13. I’m addicted to Sex and the City and caffeine

14. I think the EURO is genious. I don’t know all the economic issues behind it, but hey! It’s very practical

15. I am one of the worst and most awkward dancers ever (But I love to dance, so I don't care at all)

16. I love How I met Your Mother, although I’m not impressed with all the Barney-wannabees out there. I’m not even sure I would like the real Barney. He’s awful, but awfully funny.

17. I hate to have things explained to me, which I already know. I get the feeling people underestimate my abilities. It’s the worst criticism of all

18. If I get the energy, I would love to learn to speak French fluently and learn to play the piano really good

19. I always cry with the movie Bruce almighty, but I think it’s really bad

20. When I have children, I would like to have at least 3 or 4 years between them, since I’ve never liked the fact that my sister is only 14 months younger

21. I think meeting my friend Hanna is probably one of the best things that has happened to me

22. More than the rumor of Swedes as being  tall, blond and blue-eyed, I believe in the one of them (us?) being well experienced and educated within the area of sex

23. If someone sponsored me, I can see myself studying for very many years, I like learning things

24. Of the three languages I know the best (Swedish, Dutch and English) there are one word of each, which I find hard to translate - lagom, knuffel and nice - words I use very often

25. I write these things in English so that my host parents understand them, because I am a very kind au pair :)

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